After having the error codes cleared from repairs on my 2000 venture, when trac off light came back on it showed bad back up light connection, was told the brake light switch was the problem. Do I need to go get that error cleared to get the trac off light to go off after changing the switch?
Trac Off Light?
Are you sure the sensor is not broken? My husband's car did the same thing.
Trac Off Light?
I have never heard of a back up light connection issue setting the trac light. Most common on those is a wheel bearing assembly on the front wheels.
The ABS and Traction control is all involved in those mainly. Find a buddy or go to a dealer and ask the front end guy for a quick favor to pull the %26quot;real' codes and ask him what he thinks. Then throw him a ten dollar bill or something. He'll take care of ya.
If the brake light switch is your problem then after replacement the system should run a self-check, if it doesn't see the fault it will either turn the light off and turn the system back on or it will start a counter, and after it runs to self-check X amount of times, different number of times for different faults. it will turn the light off and the system back on
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
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