In my hall i have a single bathroom switch, a twin outside and hall switch, a kitchen single switch, a single hall light. The bathroom works as does the outside one but the rest dont. The house is very old? is it possible that if one is wired wrong the rest will be affected? please help.|||It could be any number of things and it is hard to guess what might be the problem. The bottom line is if you have to ask, then it is better to just call and electrician. They will probably be able to fix it for the price of a service call. Between 50 and 100 bucks.|||Have an electrician replace old switches,he can check the wiring aswell.|||Yes, very possible. If the original switches have been replaced, that is likely the case, as I%26#039;m sure they once worked.
I%26#039;m sure you checked the light bulbs first, right? :)|||Since the house is quite old, the switchplates that aren%26#039;t working are probably due to defective wiring on those only. It could have just disintegrated over the years. An electrician would be able to re-do those but I would have all checked to make sure they aren%26#039;t about to go as well.|||the policy is these days not to use metal switches anyway, you are more likly to have problem because it%26#039;s metal and conducts electricity, stick to plastic one they are much safer. as for your problem you have two ring mains the top and bottom and they are all connected i suggest you get a proper electricain to help you|||Old houses with old wiring are a job for a pro. Call an electrician.
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